Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Blizzard of 2011

Well we survived the "Blizzard of 2011!" I think this was one of the worst storms for the KC area in a very long while. We ended up getting about 9.5 inches of snow which was less than they predicted. Some parts of Missouri did end up getting about 20-25 inches of snow. They let us out of school an hour early on Monday because of ice. By Tuesday afternoon there was about 3 inches of snow. I called Lase and Dayo to make sure they were okay. Both had to report to work, but ended up coming back home. Kansas City was like a ghost town on Wednesday. Many businesses shut down, inculding the government offices. Both Kansas and Missouri called in national guards to help and declared state of emergencies. I70 was closed from KC to Saint Louis. I am just glad that it didn't hit us hard as other areas. Of course schools were closed. We were off Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. This means that we are going to have to make up the snow days during our Spring Break. The kids handled the storm and being stuck at home pretty well. Femi was sick the entire week, and Ryan got sick Wednesday night and has to stay home on Friday. But overall things were okay. I need to do some cleaning, but I enjoyed just spending time with the kids.

We just hung out and tried not to drive each other crazy.

I practice putting Adara on my back. She didn't mind it one bit and actually fell asleep back there. I need to do this more often so I can have my hands free.

Poor Femi was asleep most of the week. I hate it when he gets sick. He is already skinny, I don't need him losing any more weight. This is the longest he has ever been sick.

Deji decided to pass the time by reading to the dogs.

Here are some snap shots of the snow and the scene outside.

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